Promoting Investment in Myanmar (Burma)

promoting investment in myanmar

All countries place a lot of effort in inviting foreign investments since foreign investment serves a vital role for the economy of a country. In selecting a country to invest in, investors consider the country profile, economic policies, investment opportunities and incentives of a given country. The investment regulatory bodies provide advice, approve proposals, provide incentives, and expedite procedures in order to facilitate investments.

In addition to dedicating efforts to make the local investment climate attractive, it is important to be aware of the opportunities and restrictions that are encompassed in regional and international agreements. The reason for this is that investors calculate when their investments will be most profitable by comparing startup costs, construction costs, production costs, labor wages, and transportation expenses.

Also Read : Compliance and Registration of Myanmar SMEs

Investment in Myanmar has increased proportionately in with the implementation of investment promotion plans and strategies which did not exist previously. There are now short-term and long-term investment goals. However, in terms of per capita investment, Myanmar still lowers than those of neighboring countries. The investment amount is still low since Myanmar ranks poorly in other indicators as well. In conclusion, further efforts are required to develop a good investment climate and to rank higher among for other indicators.